Friday 23 August 2013

MBs faults since June 30th

There has been much debate and analysis of the MBs mistakes over the time they ruled Egypt. However I think that their mistakes since June 30the are not well discussed. In my humble opinion, I think committed 7 mistakes:

  1. Insistence on having a peace solution on their terms- basically return to pre 30 June situation with Morsi, Shura council,...etc. That was impossible. Thus they caused or at least contributed to failure of negotiation. I base their position on their own literature and talks
  2. Failure to recognise the scale of popular hatred (not just the bias media and deep state) but ordinary people
  3. Failure to recognise that changing slogans and tactics are not effective with ordinary Egyptians anymore. Changing their slogans from Morsi and Islam to Egypt and democracy did not deceive ordinary people who saw that as a change in tactics to return to power and not because they believe in democracy or Egypt
  4. The use of their old tactics of violence against Copts, national treasures (Mallawi museum ) and police stations succeeded only in getting  more ordinary Moslems and Copts to fear their return
  5. Relying on foreign forces e.g. Qatar, US, EU and misunderstanding US/EU approaches as support for them. If nothing else, this helped to alienate them further in the eyes of ordinary Egyptians who saw them as traitors
  6. Insulting the people as "cowards" "traitors”  
  7. Last and not least is their failure to recognise their crimes (e.g. at Ithadiya) and mistakes during their ruling and to review their beliefs and approaches. Instead they have blamed everybody else

The hope is that young MBs generations spend time reflecting on the past three years –in fact on the past 80 years- and re-examine their movement. This includes reviewing everything from their fundamental MBs mission, aims, to strategies, alliances, and tactics. They have to realise that they are not the voice of God or the holders of truth. They must recognise that they are part of Egypt nation not of a dream return to old times where neither justice nor God’s word were implemented by ordinary mortals. 

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