Friday, 9 October 2015

Stories from Palestine

Warning: these stories challenge what we learnt about how Palestine was lost in 1948. Some stories show that it was not only the bad weapons that led to our defeat. There were many other factors. From what I heard and what I read, it was the lack of preparedness and lack of planning that lead to the defeat.

They are stories that people told me and I had no ways of verifications. So they stay as their own stories

Story 1: an old Palestinian man
We were poor and had no weapons. We hoped that the Arab armies would save us and we waited for them as we heard the sounds of fighting coming near our village.

The Arab armies came to our village including Iraqi soldiers. They were not provided with any food. They took our chickens and other food. They looked ill- equipped and really hungry. We could not say no to them because they were here to protect us. However, we wondered how hungry soldiers can fight.

Story 2: an old Egyptian man
I remember clearly the “preparation” for the war in Palestine. The Imam of Yemen sent his army to Egypt to go to Palestine with the Egyptian army. They came bare feet armed with daggers. King Farouq ordered shoes and military uniforms for them. Imagine how these soldiers fought a well equipped and well trained Zionist Militia!

Story 3- An old Palestinian lady from Caesarea

This is a small town by the sea where Palestinian have been living since history began. People were simple, poor and uneducated. When the fighting was intensifying near the town, a group of Zionist Militia came to the village and met the chefs and told them that the Militia would protect them. The Militia asked the villagers to go to the nearby woods and hide until the fight is over while the Militia lived in the village to protect it from…the fighting.

Remember that the story happened at a time before the spread of radio or other media. Villagers were not educated and did not really know about the plans to occupy Palestine.

Anyway the people left their village and went to hide in the wood. When the fighting was over they returned to their homes. Needless to say that their homes were already occupied and they had to leave. Some went to relatives in other villages while others ended up in the refugee camps in the West bank or Gaza.

Story 4: an old man from Uzi village
The whole village and the agricultural land around it were owned by a Syrian man living in Damascus. His relationship with his property was limited to the visits of his property manager bringing him the rent every year. Agents from the Jewish agency went to meet the owner and offered him to buy his land. It was a straight deal with no political ties. Yet clearly it was part of the agency’s plan to strip Palestinians of the land they have been living on and cultivating for generations. “One morning the villagers got up to military officers asking them to leave their homes. When the villagers protested that they were living in the land of their great great grandfathers, the officers showed them the sale documents. So more Palestinians had to leave and join the refugees’ camps. By the way that was the village where the Uzi gun comes from.

Story 5 My young friend

When I got to know M, she was a young Palestinian who just got married. She told me this story.

It was very difficult to find a flat or a house in her old Palestinian town, inside the green line. So the young couple looked to buy a home in the newish Jewish side which was had opened for Palestinians to own houses. The couple liked a house with a little garden and an apple tree. Before making a deal, she asked her father, as a civil engineer, to go and have a look at the house to see its value from his professional point.

“My dad was following us in the various rooms with the current Jewish owner. Suddenly he left us and stood steering from a window. I saw tears in his eyes. We finished the visit and left. In the car I asked him to explain his reaction. He said that the house was built at the site of his own father’s old house. He recognised the apple tree where he used to climb it as a young boy”. The house was gone and a new house was built but the tree stayed the same.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

The case in the UN corridors

Thanks to Nada for finding this gem.

I tried to translate this amazing song. It really rings truth especially for those who have been following the Palestinian question or anyone who dealt with meetings at the UN. It is soo true.

The “cause” travelled..
To present its complaint in the corridors of international courts..
The Assembly has dedicated the session to discuss the issue of “the case”..
Delegates from all nations came..
From countries of the North and the South..
From small countries..
From big countries..
Everyone met at a formal session..

The Assembly dedicated the session to discuss the issue of “the case” ..
The Secretary-General's made a speech..
He talked about peace..
And discussed the matter..
He launched the project:
The justice of the cause,
The freedom of peoples, human dignity and the Bill of Rights,
The cease-fire, the ending the conflict..

The voting, the recommendations, the decisions in outstanding problems, the consensus..

Reliable sources, quoting informed sources made statements..
The organisation studies.. The organisation felt..
The organisation decided..
To send an envoy..
The envoy stated that he is an envoy..
From the sources ..and that a solution ..
In the way of the solution ... and when night came...
The judges were tired..Long debate made them tired..
So they shut the books and went to sleep.

Outside there was the sound of winter and darkness..
And the desperate searching for peace...
And hunger was sleeping in the shelters of the displaced..
And the wind is still..

Uprooting the tents..

Saturday, 25 July 2015

A teacher's end of year card to the boy with the Extra cute chromosome

Dear K
I have truly loved seeing you grow over the past two years. I will miss seeing you smile everyday but I know you are going to have an amazing time in year one and I promise I will come and find you in September  to see how you are getting on. 
Much love and hugs
S xx 

Friday, 24 July 2015

He is now playing football

Bes Bes loves playing “bou” in the garden. He walks while kicking the ball forwards till it stops-usually at the flower bed when he says “goo”. It seems that he is always scoring goals. We have to play according to his rules so when it is “ma tè” then it is his turn to kick the ball. He always stands near the end of the rockery facing the patio while the other person stands on the patio. This is one of his rules. Sometimes he changes position and waits in the patio sitting crossed legged on the bench! I think that is when he is tired but still wants to play. He takes little rests.

It has been a great achievement that Bes Bes can walk, run, kick, know the rules and create his own. Everything takes time but when he does it, everything is a great achievement that brings lots of genuine happiness to all of us especially when he laughs. He has the most gorgeous laughter. It is like a lovely laughing bell.

الآن يلعب الكرة
بسبس بيحب يلعب "بو" أي كورة ف الجنينة . هو بيمشي بالكورة وهو بيشوطها مسافات بسيطة لغاية ماتقف –وغالبا ماتقف ف وسط الزهور وساعتها يقول "جو". وبكده هو دايما بيحرز أجوال!  واحنا علينا نلعب طبقآ لقواعد اللعبة ال هو اخترعها فمثلا لما يقول "ما تيه اي my turn" يكون ده دوره ف المشي بالكورة. ودائما يقف عند طرف الجنينة حيث السور الحجري واللاعب الاخر يقف ف الطرف الاخر عند الممر. ولكنه أحيانا يعكس الوضع ويجلس متربعا علي كرسي ف انتظار الكرة. اعتقد انه يفعل ذلك عندما يكون تعبان اي انه يأخذ استراحات قصيرة.

انها إنجازات كبيرة ان البسبس يستطيع ان يمشي وجري ويشوط الكرة ويعرف القواعد ويخترع قواعد اخري للعب. كل شئ يستغرق وقتا معه ولكن كل تقدم يحرزه يجلب سعادة غامرة حقيقية لكل من حوله وخاصة عندما يضحك. أعتقد ان ضحكته هي ألطف ضحكة –كأنها جرس جميل

Friday, 24 April 2015

The cute extra Chromosome (3) لأ مش هاقرا معاكي

الواد العفريت النهاردة اخر شقاوة. مش راضي يقرا ولا يكتب. قعدته جنبي علي السرير عشان نقرا فرفض وقعد يرفص ويضرب وعايز يجري بعيد عني. قعدت أدلعه والاعبه لغاية ماضحك وبص علي الكومبيوتر وشاور علي صابعه وقال : ف . دي معناها كرتون اسمه Finger Family  قلت له  نكتب الاول وبعدين فنجر.

هو مش بيعرف يمسك القلم كويس (ولو ان ناس كبيرة بتمسك القلم كده وتكتب كويس) . ومس بيعرف يظبط الكتابة. خليته يكتب اول حرف من اسمه ولو انه صعب ولكنه بيحاول بس مش بيجيبه مظبوط ،ولما زهق خليته يكتب حرف t  لانه سهل فكتبه بس طبعا الخطوط كبيرة ومايلة.  المهم كتبه كام مرة وزهق.

بعد كده لعبنا بكلمات علي وريقات صغيرة. من فترة جه يلعب معايا فأخدت الورق الاصفر ال فيه حته بتلزق وكتبت علي كل ورقة كلمة وخليته يقراها. دول من الكلمات اللي مفروض يعرفها حسب برنامج المدرسة. وبعد مايقرا الكلمة يلزق الورقة ع الحيطة ودي لقاها لعبة حلوة. النهاردة قرأ 6 كلمات وجملة مكتوبة علي ورقة يعني 3 كلمات ورا بعض. للأسف أنا ضيعت باقي الورقات فمقدرتش أكمل معاه.

كده جه ميعاد الكرتون علي الكومبيوتر وهو يقرر عايز يشوف ايه بس فيه اجزاء تعليمية زي مثلا التعرف علي الاشكال، أصوات الحيوانات، الحروف. قعد يسمع ويرقص وهو مبسوط.

بعد ما اتعشي حاولت معاه يقرا كتاب او يتعرف علي الكلمات لكنه رفض رفض تام فسألته اذا يحب يرسم قال Yee   اللي تعني yes . فاديته أوراق وأقلام شمع. رسم شويه وبعدين طلب مقص وقعد يقصقص ويقطع ف الورق. قال لنا الاخصائيين ان دي مهارة كويسة . لذلك سبته يحاول يقص شوية ويقطع شوية.

ولما جه ميعاد النوم قرر سيادته انه عايز يكتب واختار كتاب فيه الحروف بتتكتب بقلم وبعدين تتمسح. للاسف كان القلم بيخلص فحاول يكتب ال 4 حروف الاولي يعني يمر بالقلم علي النقط اللي تكون الحرف. مرة يمشي ف الاتجاه الصح مثلا حرف A  ومرة اتجاه غلط  ف حرف  a. ماحاولتش أصحح الاتجاهات لأن القلم كان تعبان وهو ياحرام عمال يحاول يخليه يكتب. وبصعوبة خدته ينام لانه كان لسه عايز يلعب مع انه بيعرك ف عنيه.

تصبح علي خير ياحبي

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The cute extra chromosome (2)

لن انسي عندما رأيته لأول مرة. كان قد جاء إلي الحياة بالامس وأنا في اثيوبيا. عدت ف اليوم الثاني من باص المطار الي المستشفي حيث ولدته اختي. عندما وصلت كان طبيب الاطفال يتفحصه وانا واقفه خلف الطبيب منتظرة أن ينتهي حتي أري المولود. نظرت اختي للطبيب وقالت: "عنده داون مش كده؟" وبكت ثم كلمت زوجها علي الموبيل: "عنده داون" قال لها: "يعني ايه" ردت: "بَله مغولي" رد عليها "الحمد لله" واخذ يطمئنها. منذ تلك اللحظة قفز حبي لزوجها الي السحاب.
خرج الطبيب وحملت المولود بين ذراعيً.  لم اشعر بكل هذا الحب لاي شخص من قبل غير ابنتي .ومن يومها والبسبوس (احد الاسماء التي اطلقتها عليه) متربع في قلبي.

"انتي مدلعاه وهتبوظيه" كل العائلة تصيح في. " طب هو أحلي من البسبوسة-أحلي حلويات ف الدنيا- ياجدعان مقدرش أشوفه زعلان" أعتقد أني أقوم بدور الجدة تدلع الطفل وتترك التربية للوالدين!

 النظرة لوجهه الجميل تغمرني بالسعادة مهما كنت غاضبة من اي شئ ف الدنيا.قضينا اول سنة من عمرة في رحلات الي المستشفي لعلاجه من امراض صاحبته. يرقد في المستشفي واحيطه باللعب وأكلمه وأغني ليه (مسكين لسماع صوتي السئ) واقرأ له الكتب. "طب هو فاهم انتي بتقري له اي؟ ايش عرفه الضفدعة اللي هاجرت من البحيرة ولفت بلاد ورجعت؟" أرد: "عايزاه يحب الكتب والقراية" . عندما كبر قليلا كافئني بحبه للكتب والقراءة . أيوه بيعرف يقرا حتي لو كان الكلام مش واضح من بقه. الان عندما أعطيه كتاب قد يقرأه أو يرفض ولكنه ينظر علي باقي السلسلة في غلاف الكتاب الخارجي ويشير علي الكتاب الذي يريده. نحضره وأقرأ له. الان يقرا معظم كتب السلسلة الاولي (6 كتب) بنفسه.

ثابرنا علي القراءة له مرات عديدة كل يوم بدون كلل. أختي شاطرة في انتقاء الكتب ولديها صبر وطريقة جميلة مع الأطفال. ابنتي أيضآ تساعد كثيرا بمحبتها له وبقدرتها المُبهرة علي التعامل مع الاطفال بدون شخط ولا دلع. أحطناه بالكتب الجميلة ولكن بعدد محدوود حتي لا يتوه فيها. أصبحت الكتب بالنسبة له شيئآ جميلآ.

ولكني أعتقد ان لديه حب فطري للكتب وللمعرفة بالإضافة إلي عناده الذي يدفعه للمثابرة والمحاولة في كل شئ. "يعني من نفسه بيحب يعافر مع نفسه لغاية مايعمل اللي هو عايزه".

قال لنا الاخصائي من البداية : "ماحدش يعرف تحصيله هايكون ايه لكن فيه أطفال تقدمت ودخلت مدارس ونجحت وفيه لأ. الرك علي مدي اهتمام الأهل" . بس كده احنا عرفنا الطريق وبدأنا واستمرينا رغم نوبات مرضه الكثيرة التي سأحكي عنها في تدوينات قادمة.

أعطونا كتب ومعلومات كثيرة. واظبت اختي علي التعلم وتعليمنا كيف نتعامل معه وكيف نعلمه ومازلنا نتعلم. الان هو في المدرسة وعليه ان يعرف  35 كلمة (باقي الفصل مفروض يتعرف علي 45 كلمة). هو الان يعرف الكلمات حتي اذا لم يستطع ان ينطقها كلها وسنحاول مع باقي الكلمات. هو يعرف لغة الاشارة الخاصة بمتلازمة داون ووالديه يعرفونها ونحن نتعلم اشارات جديدة كل يوم منهم.

:كل كلمة ينطقها أو يحاول ينطقها أو أي شئ يعمله نصفق له كلنا : شاطر يابسبوس، بسبوس ولد شاطر. بسبوس حبي الكبير.


Friday, 27 March 2015

The cute extra chromosome (1)

My nephew has the cute chromosome, the extra X so he is XXY or commonly known as Down’s syndrome.

On the World Down’s Syndrome day 22nd March, we wore T shirts with his picture laughing and the title: The cute chromosome. There is no doubt that he is –at least for me- the cutest boy in town. His laughter is sweet and his determination is amazing.

I remember the day he decided to stand up by himself and walk, we were alone in the house. My nephew went to the baby walker we had tried and failed to get him to use, and tried to stand up using it alone. Although I tried to help him after he fell several times, he refused my help. I sat watching him trying to stand and fall several times. Eventually he managed, looked at me and smiled. The he started pushing it to the end of the room. Hitting the door, he turned to me as if asking for help. I turned the walker around, and fell down. I helped him up and he continued pushing and walking.

We spent some time with him pushing and then me turning the walker around when he reached either side of the room. The he figured out how to turn the walker. At the end of the room, he would sit on the floor, change the direction of the walker then stand up (leaning on the walker) and start pushing and walking.

For few days afterwards, he kept playing with the walker, pushing, walking and turning by himself.  Then one day he stood up without the walker and took few steps by himself. One or two steps then he’d fall. He would then stand up alone and take few more steps. Eventually he was walking by himself.

I clearly remember when my daughter took her first few steps by herself and walked to the door as I came in from work. It was a magical moment for me. She was much, much younger when she started walking without really falling. Yet with Cute chromosome boy, we lived through each failed attempt, admiring his determination and his self motivation. Every little thing he does is magical.

We never know when he will achieve something new. We cannot compare him with “normal” children (those without an extra chromosome) and expect that by a certain age he will have reached a particular developmental milestone. Nothing to be taken for granted.

Living with my XXX boy has taught me how to appreciate much more, each thing he does is an achievement. Moreover, I’ve learnt to appreciate more in life: a nice gesture from a friend, a kind word from a stranger, the sun shining one day, a smile from a kid. Every little thing in life is worth appreciation. Thank you XXX cutest boy in town. 

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

فتفوتة: الجيران

حكاية من مملكة بانيورو في شرق أفريقيا
ذهب رجل وزوجته للسكن في قرية بعيدة وأرادا أن يعرفا طبيعة جيرانهم. في أول ليلة بدأ الرجل يضرب زوجته بالعصا بشدة وبصوت عالِ والمرأة تصرخ بأعلي صوتها:  سيقتلني سيقتلني.  في الواقع كان الرجل يضرب فروة ماعز وليس زوجته. استمر الاثنان في الضرب والصراخ فترة طويلة من  الليل. ولكن لم يتدخل أي من الجيران أو يفعل أي شئ

في الصباح حمل الزوجان متاعهما ورحلا عن القرية 

في الواقع من ذكرياتي في ايام طفولتي لا أعتقد ان ذلك كان ممكن حدوثه بدون تدخل أيِ من الجيران لمنع الضرب. أتذكر تدخل الناس في الشارع لمنع المعاكسات السخيفة (اللي كانت مش لدرجة التحرش!!) . الآن كلُ يمشي في طريقه أو يغلق باب بيته ويمكن يولع التلفزيون عالي عشان مايسمعش  الصويت